[raw] 像は撤去すべき(作家) — 2015年11月28日

[raw] 像は撤去すべき(作家)

[장정일 칼럼] ‘제국의 위안부’ 기소에 부쳐

지난 11월 2일 서울에서 이루어진 한일 정상회담에서 아베 신조 일본 총리가 종로구 일본대사관 앞에 있는 위안부 소녀상의 철거를 요청했다.
2011년 이명박 대통령과 노다 요시히코 총리간의 정상회담에서도 노다 전 총리가 똑같은 요구를 한 적이 있다. 한국 언론은 대사관 앞의 소녀상이 일본의 ‘국가 이미지’를 실추시키는 때문에 그러는 것이라고 한다.

한국과 일본이 국교를 맺고 대사관을 설치하기로 했을 때, 두 나라는 대사관 지위와 주변 관리에 대한 각서를 교환했을 것이다. 대사관 주위는 대사관을 설치한 나라에 대한 공격이나 혐오가 금지된 공간이다. 그렇지 않다면 전 세계의 대사관 주위는 총성 없는 전쟁이 벌어지는 전장이 될 것이다. 알다시피 지구상에는 한일 두 나라와 버금가는 앙숙이 많은데, 모든 나라가 한국을 모범 삼는다고 생각해보라. 선전 포고가 이루어지기 전까지는, 서로에 대한 우호가 가정(假定)되어야 하는 상징적인 공간이 대사관이다. 일본 총리의 요구는 외교 각서와 국제 외교 관례에 근거한 것이라고 보아야 한다.

아베 총리가 일본대사관 앞의 위안부 소녀상을 철거해 달라고 요청한 의도도 깊이 따져봐야 한다. 아베 총리의 요청이 진심이고자 했다면, 정상회의에 앞서 한국 정부와 한국민의 마음을 열 수 있는 선물을 가져 와야 했다. 하지만 그는 올 한 해 동안 일본 정부가 군위안부 모집의 강제성을 인정했던 ‘고노 담화’를 뒤집으려고 애썼던 장본인이다. 그랬던 만큼 자신의 요구가 어처구니없는 것을 잘 알고 있었을 것이다. 그런데도 저런 ‘쇼’를 한 것은 자신의 지지 기반을 넓게 다질 수 있기 때문이다. 한국 언론은 일본 대사관 앞의 위안부 소녀상이 일본의 목에 걸린 ‘가시’라고 여기지만, 아베와 같은 우익 세력에게는 ‘알박기’처럼 흥감한 일이다. 자국의 대사관 앞에 설치된 ‘혐오ㆍ적대’ 시설은 평범한 일본인마저 혐한으로 돌아서게 해주니 말이다.

여기에 마키아벨리가 군주에게 했던 어떤 충고를 대입해 보자. 마키아벨리는 군주가 백성으로부터 ‘사랑’을 받는 것이 최선이지만 그것은 이루기 힘든 희망 사항이라고 한다. 그래서 제시한 차선책이 백성들로 하여금 군주를 ‘두렵게(공포)’ 여기도록 만드는 것이다. 그러면서 군주가 반드시 피해야 하는 최악은 백성들이 군주를 ‘경멸’하게 되는 사태라고 했다. 일본 대사관 앞의 위안부 소녀상은 일본인들로 하여금 한국을 경멸하게 만든다. 위안부 문제의 진실과 상관없이 일본인은 한국을 ‘제 멋대로’라고 생각할 것이다. 일본인들로 하여금 한국을 두려워하게 만드는 방법은 대사관 앞의 위안부 소녀상을 철거하는 대신, 전국의 마을마다 하나씩의 위안부 소녀상을 세우는 것이다. 아마도 식겁을 할 것이다. 하지만 이승만 이래 친일파가 득세해온 한국에서는 불가능한 일이다. 갈등은 민족주의를 동원할 수 있게 해주는 자산이다. 현재의 한일 정부에게는 소녀상이 필요하다.

2011년 12월 14일 처음 세워진 일본 대사관 앞의 평화의 소녀상(위안부 소녀상)은 커다란 일을 했다. 이 동상이 있었기에 위안부 문제 해결을 위한 수요집회가 탄력을 받았고, 해외로까지 동상 건립이 이어졌다. 하지만 적당한 계기에 이 동상은 다른 곳으로 옮겨야 한다. 이렇게 말하면 나도 이제부터 친일파가 되는 것일까? 제대로 된 사회라면 더 많은 이견을 환대해야 한다.

박유하의 ‘제국의 위안부’(뿌리와이파리, 2013)는 올해 2월 법원으로부터 34곳을 삭제하라는 판결을 받고, 6월에 복자(伏字) 처리가 된 삭제판을 냈다. 그런데 처음에 지은이를 고소했던 위안부 관련 단체는 ‘복자 처리’가 자신들을 농락한 것이라며, 출판 중지를 요구했다. 일제 강점기에 복자 처리된 책이 꽤 나왔으나, 일제 경찰도 그것마저 트집 잡지는 않았다. 그런데 이번에는 검찰이 출판물에 의한 명예훼손으로 저자를 기소했다. ‘제국의 위안부’가 민족ㆍ국가ㆍ남성이 독차지해 온 공식 역사와 다른 목소리를 내다보니, 위안부에 대한 고정된 상식과 충돌하는 부분이 있다. 이견이 없으면 생각을 할 필요도 없고, 사상이 생겨날 수 없다.



パク・ユハ起訴に対する学者の抗議声明 — 2015年11月27日


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[eng] マーガレット・チョウ セックスワークについて語る —

[eng] マーガレット・チョウ セックスワークについて語る


Margaret Cho Wants to Talk About Sex Work

It was the tweet heard round the sex-worker world. At 6:12 p.m. on Oct. 29, Margaret Cho, the 46-year-old comedian, disturbed the Twittersphere with an economical 109 characters: “Sex work is simply work. For me it was honest work. I was a sex worker when I was young. It was hard but well paid. There’s no shame in it.”


What followed was a series of delighted tweets of support from current and former adult-industry workers, which Ms. Cho met with lots of XXXs and OOOs, as well as no shortage of derision from those less impressed with her revelation.

On the quiet Sunday that followed, Ms. Cho sat crossed-legged on the bed in her dark-wood-paneled room at the Maritime Hotel in Chelsea, wearing russet leggings and a black tank top, her high-density colored tattoos fanning up and out from her chest and down her arms. Her hair was cropped G.I.-short, and a glossy black wig splayed across the room’s narrow desk like a resting familiar.

In New York to promote her PsyCHO show at Town Hall on Nov. 11 and her new song and video “(I Want to) Kill My Rapist,” which will debut on Nov. 13 on perezhilton.com, Ms. Cho said she was surprised (pleasantly) by the largely supportive response to what she said has never been much of a secret. “I’ve never had shame about it,” she said. “I’ve been talking about it all along, but nobody cared.”

Maybe people are taking notice because sex work is so visible in pop culture and social media these days, from the wholesome he-man success of “Magic Mike: XXL” to the recent Twitter-based interstate road trip of Zola, a story of stripping, hooking and “Showgirls”-level drama.

Or perhaps it’s due to the stark power of Ms. Cho’s tweets themselves. Twenty-some years ago, before her comedy career took off, she paid the bills working first as a phone sex operator, then as a dominatrix, a job for which, she admitted, she was particularly ill suited.

“I was lazy,” she said. “I lacked empathy, and,” referencing the job’s requirement for administering floggings and other forms of corporal punishment that a client might request, “I had a bad arm.”

Dominatrixes sometimes operate quasi-legally, but the threat of arrest, as well as the stigma surrounding their actions, is something Ms. Cho would like to see change for all sex workers. With her series of tweets about life in the business — for example, “It’s hard work that’s not protected by law enforcement or unions. It’s unfair. We have the right to our bodies +work.”—it’s clear that Ms. Cho is driving toward advocacy.

She has her work cut out for her. Both sides of the sex-work debate have received a signal boost from social media, particularly on Twitter, where the respective sides square off in real time. It is not uncommon for discussions to deteriorate into a heated exchange over who is or isn’t a real feminist: the Godwin’s Law of women’s rights contretemps.

Though Ms. Cho has said that sex work is just work, it’s a bit of a stretch to say it’s just a job. The sheer weight of the social stigma makes public activism by sex workers extremely difficult, to say nothing of the danger of working in legal twilight.


Continue reading the main story

But change is possible. Last August, Amnesty International’s board voted to develop a policy to protect the rights of sex workers, including the decriminalization of all aspects of consensual sex work. That a widely respected global human-rights organization would support full decriminalization represents, for sex workers, a triumph of research-supported truth over moral outrage.

“The ugliness and beauty that I saw made me think that sex workers are providing a valuable service to society,” Ms. Cho said of her dominatrix days. “We shouldn’t just be protected and legitimized. We should be worshiped.”

But despite prostitution’s existence in virtually all cultures, there’s an almost universal aversion to the very idea of it. As Ms. Cho pointed out, while “ick” is a common visceral response, it is not particularly useful for developing public policy.

“If you’re disgusted by sex work, if your impulse is to shame and to abolish, what are sex workers to do then?” Ms. Cho asked. “How can we continue to operate in shadows and secrecy when the shadows and the secrecy are what’s killing us?”

As for why her status as a former sex worker is gaining notice now, Ms. Cho is nonplused. This, she said, is as fine a time as any to see her own experience featured in activist discourse. After all, she said, “there is no statute of limitations on the truth.”


[eng] パプア・ニューギニア 2/3の若い女性が売春 —

[eng] パプア・ニューギニア 2/3の若い女性が売春


Underage, invisible to health authorities and BEATEN for wanting to use a condom: The hidden shame of prostitution in Papua New Guinea, where TWO THIRDS of young women sell sex for money
Prostitution and brothels are illegal in Papua New Guinea, however the country has a high number of sex workers
Sex workers, known as ‘pamuk meri’, attempt to make a living without any regulation around the sex industry
The women and men who participate in the industry often face high levels of discrimination stigma and hate crime
Although many hide their sex work from their families, more than a third reported being shunned by their loved ones
There is a substantial risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, with 13 per cent of people in the sex industry testing positive
The United Nations suggest the number of girls from PNG between the age of 15 and 24 exchanging sex for money, food, shelter, or other things such as school fees, is as high as two in three
PUBLISHED: 22:15 EST, 24 October 2015

To teenaged girls selling sex on the streets of Papua New Guinea’s capital, Port Moresby, Bertha* is both a mother figure and a pimp.
Bertha, aged in her 40s, is matter-of-fact about the role she plays in the young girls’ lives as she negotiates the prices customers will pay for sex with them and dispenses condoms and ‘safe sex’ advice.
‘They are like my daughters and I like to hang around with them,’ she explains. ‘But on the other hand I am their pimp.
‘Someone calls me and I have to go and look for them and make deals for them and then they go together. I introduce the girls to the customers.’

While the exact number of sex workers in PNG is not known, the United Nations has estimated that as many as two in three girls aged between 15 and 24 in Papua New Guinea have exchanged sex for money, food, shelter – or even payment school fees.
Despite those extraordinary statistics, the government is apparently in denial.
Prostitution, brothels and homosexuality are all illegal in PNG, and women and men who choose to sell sex do so at their own risk and outside the health, security and other controls that regulate sex industries in other countries.
They also face high levels of discrimination, stigma and hate crimes.
It has left many of the countless numbers involved as paraiahs in their own society, vulnerable to abuse, violence and rampant diseases such as HIV infections.
It is late at night in Boroko, Port Moresby’s once-thriving business district now fallen into disrepair, and Bertha points out working standing in the shadows around the area’s clubs and bars.

A USAID 2010 survey on this sector of the PNG community revealed that although many hide their sex work from their families and the community, more than a third reported being shunned by their loved ones, and the same proportion were denied medical treatment when a nurse or doctor learned what they did for a living.
The same survey showed almost 80 per cent of sex workers had been sexually abused in the previous year, 70 per cent had been raped in the few months leading up to the survey and about half had been raped multiple times in that period.

The rapes were mainly by customers (63 per cent), but the girls’ regular boyfriends or husbands were almost as often the culprits (61 per cent), followed by members of the country’s notorious street gangs, known as Rascals (31 per cent).
The workers also suffered physical beatings in high numbers: Almost 70 per cent reported being bashed in the past year, most often from relatives (43 per cent), but also their husbands (27 per cent) and others they knew.

Bertha, who volunteers at a children’s charity when she is not pimping for ‘her’ girls, says they would be on their own without her.
‘I’m like a mother to them. The girls here, I know about them – and I am counselling them and I talk to them to check themselves up, otherwise they might kill themselves.
‘I tell them, ‘always use condoms, don’t drink alcohol with the men, don’t get in cars and go far away’. If any of the girls get in trouble they know they can phone Bertha for help.
‘What they do isn’t really important but their life is really important,’ she says.
‘I try my best to save their lives.’
With the ever-present threat of HIV/AIDS – the most recent reports suggest rates are increasing at almost 30 per cent year in parts of PNG – Bertha’s safe sex advice could be the difference between life and death for vulnerable girls whose own families and loved ones have turned their backs on them.
While the rate of HIV/AIDS in the general PNG population is 0.5 per cent, among sex workers the rate is 13 per cent.
Among gay or transgender men who have sex with other men, whether for money or not, the rate is 18 per cent or higher.

Despite the risks, many clients will pay much more if the girl is prepared to have sex without using a condom, a practice known locally as ‘skin-on-skin’ .
‘If a girl goes skin-on-skin she is not thinking about her life,’ says Bertha. But she also points out that many girls who insist on using condoms will simply be raped without one anyway, and often beaten up as well.
Dorothy and Angela are two of Bertha’s girls who work around Ela Beach, a regular pick-up spot in Port Moresby.
Just 16, Dorothy has been selling sex for the past four months. She still lives at home with her parents who, she says, know what she is doing and ‘ don’t mind’.
Dorothy insists she follows strict rules for her own safety that include only working during daylight hours. Also, ‘I only sleep with one man a day,’ she says, ‘and I charge K100 (A$47).’
She is saving as much as she can from her earnings and plans to start her own business selling sweets, betel nut or cigarettes. In the meantime, she has regular blood tests and counselling at the children’s charity where Bertha volunteers.
Angela, now 18, has been selling sex since she was 15 and left school ‘ long years ago’ .
She was introduced to the work by a cousin sister who took her down to the beach and showed her how to do it. Unlike Dorothy, Angela works ‘plenty time’ and charges between K50-K100 (A$23 – A$47) to go with a customer to a nearby brothel or ‘guesthouse’, where rooms are charged out by the hour for K60 (A$28), condoms inclusive.
The customer pays the room fee to the guesthouse owner and the girl’s fee directly to her.
In the guesthouse, rooms are just large enough for a single bed. Greying, ill-fitting sheets barely cover the bed in one room, where a small bedside cabinet was empty except for eight condoms placed on top.

Angela says she spends all her earnings as soon as she gets them. She gives none to her parents whom she says she ‘visits sometimes’ . ‘They don’t care what I do,’ she says.
For girls working the streets like Dorothy and Angela, Bertha’s health advice may be their ticket to survival.
‘Some girls have died from some kind of sickness,’ she says. ‘ They have been dying from worry or something like that. The girls were 14, 15, 18, 20.’
Susan, a slender girl in her mid-20s originally from the Sepik River in northern PNG, has been selling sex at another guesthouse near Boroko.
Although safer inside such an establishment than out on the streets alone or patrolling the beach, the guesthouse are at high risk of police raids.
One such raid of the notorious Three Mile Guesthouse on a busy Friday night in 2004 hit international headlines due to the brutality of the police, who forced about 80 people on the premises to march for an hour through the streets to the Boroko police station.
Before the forced march the police trashed the guesthouse and bar, helped themselves to anything of value including computers, beer, whiskey and cash, and beat, spat on and forced those they took into custody to swallow condoms.
As they marched the group through the streets, the police reportedly jeered at them and egged on the crowd to ‘ come and look at the sex workers! These are the people who are spreading AIDS!’

At the station the men were all released without charge while all 40 of the women were thrown into the cells on charges of ‘living off the earnings of prostitution’.
Some of these women alleged they were raped repeatedly by drunken police in uniform during the next three days before community workers managed to raise bail of about K2000 (A$950) and secure their release.
All the charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence that the women had actually been performing paid sex.
There are believed to be more than 20 such ‘ guesthouses’, which are basically small rooms off a central bar area, scattered around the city, at places like Boroko, Koki, Konedobu and Ela.
At one such ‘club’ where I am talking to Susan, it is lunch-time midweek and men are beginning to mill around drinking beer bought from a small barred window and playing pool with the girls on several tables.
Music, mostly Papuan reggae style, blares out of the speakers. Girls gather round tables to play cards – some for money but mostly just for fun and to pass the time between ‘ jobs’ .
The smell of ‘lamb-flaps’ cooking on a hot plate wafts around the tin buildings. Christmas tinsel hangs from the ceiling despite it being midyear. Single cigarettes at K1 (A$0.50) each are snapped up.
Off-white bed sheets flap on the clothes line outside the few small ‘ work rooms’ . Chewing of betel nut is banned inside the premises and there’s a regular to and fro of patrons through the large front gate as they take to the outside street to partake of the natural and traditional carcinogenic.

The excitement in the building is growing. Says Susan, ‘It’s Wednesday – a lot of ladies will come and f**k in the rooms and enjoy themselves.’
If there is competition among the girls it’s not evident. ‘We’re all sisters here,’ Susan says. ‘If I’ve had six guys already and I’m not feeling good, I’ll say to another girl, ‘Can you take him?’
Susan explains the circumstances that led up to her current life. After both her parents died in the mid 2000s, she moved in with an uncle at Murray Barracks, but house life was ‘very (financially) hard,’ she says, ‘so from there I started doing this (in 2011)’.
‘I came in here and I started drinking beer and going with the men. Sometimes I regret it, sometimes I enjoy myself with my friends. I see plenty of guys. I can’t count them. Some are ugly, some are handsome. I go with sometimes three or four men a day, sometimes five or six.’
Susan explains that she does not intend to be doing this sort of work forever. She wants to get married.
‘I don’t know my future,’ she says, ‘What will I do with my future? I’m still drinking beer like this but I’m trying my best to change myself and not be like this. The only thing is I must go and get married. I have no husband and that’s why I’m f***ing around.
‘I don’t want to stay like this. It’s hard for me to save money. It’s not good money, you know – it’s sin. I’m selling myself, it comes in and goes out, it’s dirty money. That’s how I feel.’

One of the catalysts for Susan’s choice of work dates back to early in her ‘career’ . She went home with a German man she met at a local nightclub who gave her K600 (A$285) after spending an hour and a half having sex with her. He wanted to see her again and gave her his phone number but she misplaced it. ‘He said I did everything right,’ she says wistfully.
He has been her only white man and she has not forgotten him. She’s still waiting for a ‘special’ man like that to come into her life again, take her away and marry her.
Getting a man and getting married is a recurring theme among the girls at the guesthouse.
At 20, Port Moresby born Ruth* lives with her parents and several brothers and sisters, and admits that her family struggles to meet school fees, bus fares and other family expenses.
Ruth has been visiting the guesthouse near her home for about three months and describes herself as ‘not really a working girl’ , although she readily admits to selling sex.
‘I take money from guys but not here,’ she says, ‘I look for a fellow here, one who is going to help me. I’m trying to look for a good fellow to get married… but I don’t think it is going to happen.’ Her voice trails away. ‘I don’t think these are good men.’
More than 100 women of varying ages use this guesthouse’s rooms for sex work (priced at K50/hour (A$23) or K150/overnight (A$71), according to the establishments owner, who spoke openly on the condition his name was not published.
‘We get schoolgirls who are maybe 15 in here, they come still in their school uniforms,’ he says.
‘Also widows, married women, old women, but no transgender or male sex workers. PNG is a Christian country so we only allow men versus women here.’
Although free condoms are provided in the rooms and the bed sheets washed after each use, he says it is up to the parties involved to protect themselves from disease. He has no doubt several of his sex worker regulars are HIV-positive and ‘ some look very sick,’ he adds.
Later, at a nightclub in the Port Moresby suburb of Gordons I am introduced to statuesque Felicity*, a proud ‘lady’ in her late 20s.
Felicity came into the world as a man and is one of a number of transgender participants in weekly ‘drag shows’ that are widely advertised at a range of suburban clubs.
Felicity has a long-time boyfriend and is well aware that homosexuality in PNG is a crime punishable by up to 14 years in prison, although actual prosecutions are not common.
She confides that she sometimes sleeps with other men, ‘perhaps once or twice a month – sometimes for money’ , but her boyfriend does not know.
She has often faced violence from both men and women. As a transgender, she says she and others like her are frequently targeted by police for harassment.

‘The police say what we do is illegal and it’s sodomy. One time they stopped our car and belted us with a fan belt,’ she says, ‘and I have been jailed and abused by police in the cell too’.
Straight women see her and other transgenders as a threat and regularly physically abuse their supposed rivals. ‘They think I am attracted to their boyfriends and husbands,’ Felicity says. ‘They bash me up for who I am. People still don’t understand our lives.’
Felicity is adamant that she always practises safe sex. ‘ The transgender community here are very sensible and use condoms. I’m a strong advocator for the use of condoms and safe sex because of the threat of HIV and AIDS.’
Felicity said she had aspirations to become the first transgender member of parliament, but unfortunately her dreams will never come true.
Since visiting the vivacious drag queen, Daily Mail Australia has learned that Felicity contracted AIDs related pneumonia and died a short time later.
Later on at another nearby popular nightclub I meet Barnabas, a shy handsome 21 year old (not his real name).
Barnabas came to the realisation that he was gay at the age of 15. His parents and siblings now know and understand, he says. He recently split from a ‘long time’ gay boyfriend and admits to being unattached and ‘in the market’ again.
He estimates that more than half of men in many Moresby clubs are gay and active sexually. ‘ We talk and negotiate and sometimes money changes hands – K150 to K200 sometimes (A$71 – A$95).
‘Paying for sex is just a normal part of the process ‘ he says, ‘It’s just like a one night stand but money changes hands’.
* Names have been changed to protect the participant’s privacy
