Japan — Report: More than 10,000 people have joined the lawsuit against the giant Asahi Shimbun newspaper

An interesting aspect: The so-called revisionists joining the lawsuit are actually the people who are trying to stick with documented history.

In a nutshell, this is what unfolded:

1) More than 70 years ago, the Japanese military ran a series of “comfort women” stations during the war. Americans have done the same during that period and before. This is well documented and not in dispute about Americans or Japanese. The comfort women were nearly all prostitutes obtained through volunteers, and in some scattered cases through deception by brokers, and in rare cases involving Japanese such as in Indonesia and Philippines, a very few truly were kidnapped or forced. Japanese troops were executed for this after the war. Again, this is not in dispute, and not disputed by real historians.

2) The war ended in 1945. There were no allegations of sex-slavery. The comfort women system was not in dispute. They were nearly all prostitutes. This was not an issue. Korea remains a brothel factory to this day, and during the decades following the war, Korea was involved in pimping out its women to American troops. (122 Korean women now are suing the S. Korean government for helping to pimp out their services to the US.)

3) In 1965, a treaty between Japan and Korea settled all war time claims, including a payment of $800,000 from Japan. Korean President Park, who settled the claim in Korea’s behalf, had been an officer in the Japanese Army. (Korea was a Japanese colony long before the war. Koreans were Japanese citizens and many were Japanese soldiers.)

4) In 1973, a Japanese man published a book that there had been a sex slave issue. The book was quickly debunked and forgotten.

5) In 1978, another book was published by a Japanese communist with similar claims stemming from stories he invented from Jeju Island. The book was quickly debunked by Korean and Japanese scholars, and the author (a Japanese communist) openly admitted he had manufactured stories of committing the war crime of kidnapping 200 Korean women as sex slaves.

6) Early 1980s. Asahi Shimbun newspaper begins retelling the stories from the 1978 book as if they are true, despite that the book was debunked.

7) 80s, 90s, 2000’s, Asahi and others double down on the lies. They continue attempts to revise history. They call anyone who call anyone who tries to correct them “revisionists.”

8) 2007, the US issues the non-binding Resolution 121, demanding that Japan apologize for the sex-slavery, which has been debunked. But the US Resolution, along with a UN report that also is partly based on the debunked book, are used as evidence worldwide, despite that both are massive fabrications.

And so to be clear — the revisionists who allege the widespread sex-slavery, label anyone who demands proof to be revisionists. Many books, documentaries and movies are made. Comfort women statues are deployed, and any Japanese who object are labeled revisionists, BY the real revisionists, who happen to be newspapers like Asahi Shimbun.

Asahi and others are the real revisionists, who label anyone who calls them out, “revisionists,” and even holocaust deniers, despite that the Holocaust had nothing to do with Japan.

8) August 2014 — After decades of lying, the revisionists at Asahi Shimbun run out of maneuver room and admit to falsifying 18 articles. They continue to call people who demand proof, revisionists.

9) This week, a massive lawsuit is filed against Asahi. The initial wave of litigants was reported at 8,700 about 48 hours ago. Today it has been reported that more than 10,000 have joined.

The people who have joined the lawsuit are predictably the ones being called revisionists, despite that the real revisionist is Asahi and others.


— War ended in 1945
— Asahi and others begin to revise history beginning in the 70s/80s.
— People demand Asahi and others make corrections. Asahi the revisionists call them revisionists
— 2014, Asahi admits to being revisionists
— This week in 2015, truth seekers (called revisionists) sue the real revisionists, Asahi Shimbun.

Dark clouds are forming for the true revisionists at Asahi and other places. Employees should consider revising their career plans. Asahi likely will be downsizing before the end of 2015.
