nyt 吉見義明インタビュー(ノリミツ・オオニシ) — 2017年4月3日

nyt 吉見義明インタビュー(ノリミツ・オオニシ)

In Japan, a Historian Stands by Proof of Wartime Sex Slavery
The Saturday Profile

IT was about 15 years ago, recalled Yoshiaki Yoshimi, a mild-mannered historian, when he grew fed up with the Japanese government’s denials that the military had set up and run brothels throughout Asia during World War II.

Instead of firing off a letter to a newspaper, though, Mr. Yoshimi went to the Defense Agency’s library and combed through official documents from the 1930s. In just two days, he found a rare trove that uncovered the military’s direct role in managing the brothels, including documents that carried the personal seals of high-ranking Imperial Army officers.

Faced with this smoking gun, a red-faced Japanese government immediately dropped its long-standing claim that only private businessmen had operated the brothels. A year later, in 1993, it acknowledged in a statement that the Japanese state itself had been responsible. In time, all government-approved junior high school textbooks carried passages on the history of Japan’s military sex slaves, known euphemistically as comfort women.

“Back then, I was optimistic that this would effectively settle the issue,” Mr. Yoshimi said. “But there was a fierce backlash.”

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The backlash came from young nationalist politicians led by Shinzo Abe, an obscure lawmaker at the time in the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party, who lobbied to rescind the 1993 admission of state responsibility. Their goal finally seemed close at hand after Mr. Abe became prime minister last September.

Mr. Abe said he would adhere to the 1993 statement, but he also undercut it by asserting that there was no evidence showing the military’s role in forcing women into sexual slavery. His comments incited outrage in Asia and the United States, where the House of Representatives is considering a nonbinding resolution that would call on Japan to admit unequivocally its history of sexual slavery and to apologize for it.

To Mr. Yoshimi, Mr. Abe’s denial sounded familiar. Until Mr. Yoshimi came along 15 years ago, the government had always maintained that there were no official documents to prove the military’s role in establishing the brothels. Mr. Abe was now saying there were no official documents to prove that the military forcibly procured the women — thereby discounting other evidence, including the testimony of former sex slaves.

“The fact is, if you can’t use anything except official documents, history itself is impossible to elucidate,” said Mr. Yoshimi, a history professor at Chuo University here.

The emphasis on official documents, according to Mr. Yoshimi and other historians, has long been part of the government’s strategy to control wartime history. In the two weeks between Japan’s surrender on Aug. 15, 1945, and the arrival of American occupation forces, wartime leaders fearing postwar trials incinerated so many potentially incriminating documents that the Tokyo sky was said to be black with smoke. Even today, Japan refuses to release documents that historians believe have survived and would shed light on Japan’s wartime history.

Although Mr. Yoshimi found official documents showing the military’s role in establishing brothels, he is not optimistic about unearthing documents about the military’s abduction of women.

“There are things that are never written in official documents,” he said. “That they were forcibly recruited — that’s the kind of thing that would have never been written in the first place.”

John W. Dower, a historian of Japan at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said Mr. Yoshimi’s “extremely impressive” work has “clarified the historical record in ways that people like Prime Minister Abe and those who support him refuse to acknowledge.”

MR. YOSHIMI grew up in Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan, in a household with fresh memories of the war. He traces his interest in history to a junior high school lecture on the nation’s American-written, pacifist Constitution and its guarantee of human rights. He was impressed that the Constitution “even had something to say about a kid like me in the countryside.”

After completing his studies at the University of Tokyo, Mr. Yoshimi concentrated on Japan’s postwar democratization. It was while searching for documents related to Japan’s wartime use of poison gas in the Defense Agency’s library that he first stumbled upon proof of the military’s role in sexual slavery.

Mr. Yoshimi copied the document but did not publicize his finding. At the time, no former sex slave had gone public about her experiences, and awareness of wartime sex crimes against women was low.

But in late 1991, former sex slaves in South Korea became the first to break their silence. When the Japanese government responded with denials, Mr. Yoshimi went back to the Defense Agency.

Of the half-dozen documents he discovered, the most damning was a notice written on March 4, 1938, by the adjutant to the chiefs of staff of the North China Area Army and Central China Expeditionary Force. Titled “Concerning the Recruitment of Women for Military Comfort Stations,” the notice said that “armies in the field will control the recruiting of women,” and that “this task will be performed in close cooperation with the military police or local police force of the area.”

In another document from July 1938, Naosaburo Okabe, chief of staff of the North China Area Army, wrote that rapes of local women by Japanese soldiers had deepened anti-Japanese sentiments and that setting up “facilities for sexual comfort as quickly as possible is of great importance.” Yet another, an April 1939 report by the headquarters of the 21st Army in Guangzhou, China, noted that the 21st Army directly supervised 850 women.

Mr. Yoshimi went public by telling Asahi Shimbun, a national daily newspaper. The attention led to years of harassment from the right wing, he said, including nightly phone calls.

These documents had survived because they had been moved 25 miles west of central Tokyo before the end of the war, Mr. Yoshimi said. The postwar American occupation forces had then confiscated the documents, eventually returning them to Japan in the 1950s.

DESPITE the government’s efforts to hide the past, Mr. Yoshimi succeeded in painting a detailed picture of Japan’s wartime sexual slavery: a system of military-run brothels that emerged in 1932 after Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, then grew with full-scale war against China in 1937 and expanded into most of Asia in the 1940s.

Between 50,000 and 200,000 women from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere were tricked or coerced into sexual slavery, Mr. Yoshimi said. Thousands from Korea and Taiwan, Japanese colonies at the time, were dispatched aboard naval vessels to serve Japanese soldiers in battlefields elsewhere in Asia. Unlike other militaries that have used wartime brothels, the Japanese military was the “main actor,” Mr. Yoshimi said.

“The Japanese military itself newly built this system, took the initiative to create this system, maintained it and expanded it, and violated human rights as a result,” he said. “That’s a critical difference.”

Mr. Yoshimi said he was unsurprised by the most recent moves to deny the wartime sex slavery. He said they were simply the culmination of a long campaign by nationalist politicians who have succeeded in casting doubt, in Japan, on what is accepted as historical fact elsewhere.

In 1997, all seven government-approved junior high school textbooks contained passages about the former sex slaves. Now, as a result of the nationalists’ campaign, only two out of eight do.

“Mr. Abe and his allies led that campaign,” Mr. Yoshimi said, “and now they occupy the center of political power.”

グレンデール判決歓迎出来ぬ政府恥ずかしい(ハンギョレ) — 2017年4月2日




ハンギョレ 2017.03.30


韓国外交部のチョ・ジュンヒョク報道官は同日、定例ブリーフィングで「韓国政府の立場があるか」という質問に「米連邦政府と地方政府間の権限問題に関する法的争点に関連した事案」とし「(外国の)裁判所判決に韓国政府として意見を出すことは適切でないと見る」と答えた。29日、中国外交部の陸慷報道官は定例ブリーフィングで同じ質問に対し「判決に賛成する。慰安婦を強制動員した第2次大戦当時の日本軍国主義の厳重な反人道的犯罪だ」と述べた。韓国と中国の政府報道官論評がさかさまになったようだ。 少女像を中国が建設したのか、我が同胞が作ったのか、こんがらかるほどだ。



韓国語原文入力:2017-03-30 17:48 http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/opinion/editorial/788682.html 訳J.S(1115字)



[raw]グレンデール 上告棄却 中国歓迎 — 2017年4月1日

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中외교부, 소녀상 철거 불가 美대법원 판결에 ‘찬성’ 2017/03/29

(베이징=연합뉴스) 심재훈 특파원 = 중국 정부가 미국 캘리포니아주 글렌데일의 위안부 소녀상 철거를 못 하게 한 미국 연방대법원의 판결을 지지하고 나섰다.

루캉(陸慷) 외교부 대변인은 29일 정례 브리핑에서 미 대법원의 위안부 소녀상 철거 불가 판결에 대해 “우리는 관련 판결에 찬성한다”면서 “위안부를 강제 동원한 2차 대전의 일본 군국주의는 엄중한 반(反)인도(주의적인) 범죄”라고 밝혔다.

루 대변인은 “이는 아시아와 기타 국가 국민에게 큰 재난을 가져다주었다”면서 “이는 명백해서 잡아뗄 수 없다”고 말했다.

그는 “우리는 일본이 역사 문제에 대해 올바른 입장을 꺼내지 않고 국제사회의 정의로운 일에 대해 함부로 가로막고 있다고 생각한다”면서 “(일본의 이런 태도는) 국제사회의 관심을 불러일으켜야 한다”라고 강조했다.

미국 연방 대법원은 글렌데일 소녀상을 철거하라며 소송을 냈다가 1·2심에서 패소한 메라 고이치(目良浩一) ‘역사의 진실을 요구하는 세계연합회'(이하 GAHT) 대표가 제기한 상고 신청을 27일 각하했다.



[raw] グレンデール訴訟にノーコメント —

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외교부, 소녀상 철거불가 美 대법원 판결에 ‘노 코멘트’

외교부는 미국 캘리포니아주 글렌데일의 위안부 소녀상 철거를 못하게 한 미국 연방대법원의 판결에 대해 “우리 정부에서 의견을 내는 것은 적절치 않다”고 밝혔습니다.

조준혁 외교부 대변인은 오늘(28일) 정례 브리핑에서 글렌데일 소녀상 철거를 요구하는 일본계 극우단체의 상고 신청을 각하한 미 연방 대법원의 27일(현지시간) 결정에 대해 “미 연방정부와 지방정부 간 권한 문제에 관한 법적 쟁점과 관련된 사안으로 알고 있다”며 이같이 답했습니다.

조 대변인의 이런 입장은 제3국 사법부 판결에 대해 거론하는 것을 자제할 필요성뿐 아니라 위안부 문제의 최종적·불가역적 해결을 선언한 한일 위안부 합의를 의식한 것으로 보입니다.

위안부 합의에는 ‘합의가 착실히 이행된다는 것을 전제로 양국 정부가 향후 유엔 등 국제사회에서 위안부 문제에 대해 상호 비난·비판을 자제한다’는 내용도 들어가 있습니다.

그러나 미국 국회의원도 판결을 환영했다는 점에서 외교부의 이 같은 입장은 논란을 가능성이 커보입니다.

한일 합의에 매여 위안부 문제와 관련한 한국 정부의 정당한 발언권도 제약받는 것 아니냐는 지적이 나올 것으로 보입니다.

미국 연방 대법원은 글렌데일 소녀상을 철거하라며 소송을 냈다가 1·2심에서 패소한 메라 고이치 ‘역사의 진실을 요구하는 세계연합회'(이하 GAHT) 대표가 제기한 상고 신청을 27일 각하했습니다.

이에 대해 에드 로이스(공화·캘리포니아) 미국 하원 외교위원장은 “대법원의 결정에 박수를 보낸다”면서 “이번 판결은 지난 3년간 역사를 다시 쓰려는 헛된 노력에 종지부를 찍은 것”이라고 평가했습니다.

